A few Words on Pink Diamond Research
All of us may know the fact that diamonds are the hardest substance on earth. Nothing can destroy these stones due to its inert molecular structure. While we are doing the pink diamond research, it is found that the one question is always knocking our brain and mind, how the color pink is formed in between? There are several theories and controversies amongst the gemologist. But the universally they have attributed the extreme (more than on the other natural diamonds) pressure is the only probable reason behind.
Pink diamonds are the sub-classification of the diamonds based on their color. It is also known as fancy color diamonds. Generally, pink diamonds are within the range of flawless to included, as we know in the case of white diamonds. Almost all the pink diamonds are with flawless clarity, but according to the data, we have only one completely flawless pink diamonds in the globe so far, which is named as “Pink Star”.
As we know that Argyle mines in the western parts of the Australian continent, is producing the maximum (almost 90 % of the total salable pink diamonds) numbers of pink diamonds which is under the ownership of global diamond giant Rio Tinto. It is believed that extreme seismic compulsion propel led the white diamonds a molecular change which leads to a nucleotide alteration in the color, and the color white turned into pink.
While we are researching on the topic we know that generally, consumers are having their general preference on “colorless” diamonds, which is also known as white diamonds. Then why we are concentrating our research on the pink diamonds? Let us describe briefly.
We have already discussed that diamonds are formed through extreme pressure under the earth’s surface in an ancient age. Have you ever watched the well known Hollywood movies on “superman”? There you might get a wrong theory of the formation of a coral into a diamond under extreme compulsion and heat. It is completely a wrong concept about the formation of the diamonds on earth. These diamonds are formed at the core areas of the earth’s mantle before the vegetation went to the earth’s surface, which turned into our regular coal. It is noticeable that the Lamproite pipe or the kimberlite pipe, are the channels formed after the seismic eruptions. These are not something new, that the geologists have found. These were there on the earth, from its origin. And thus the formations of these diamonds are there on these pipes amongst which pink diamonds are found. The miners are just plucking these gemstones from these pipes, which are already stored there for a crore of years.
Definitely, some substance turned to these stones under extreme seismic compulsions. But, we do not know what that substance turned into a crystal carbon (chemical sign ‘C’) through these volcanic catalytic effects.
Amongst all these fancy colored diamonds, pink diamonds are being graded with its hue, saturation, and tone. Where hue denotes the primary and secondary color of the stone, saturation identifies the color distribution and the tone refers to its darkness of the color.